Hospice patients benefit from gentle exercise

Exercising with Combi Bike Plus is beneficial for terminally ill patients who need to exercise gently, according to physiotherapist Hanne Oest Jacobsen.

Training when dying is imminent.

The Deaconess Foundation’s hospice in Frederiksberg, Denmark, can accommodate 16 patients who are terminally ill or dying. Personnel with particular training offer them with palliative care and treatment. Hanne Oest Jacobsen, a physiotherapist, is one of them.

According to her, the majority of patients have cancer, but there are also those with neurological, cardiac, lung, or kidney conditions. These patients may be in a great deal of pain and experience symptoms such as vomiting, shortness of breath, and tiredness.

But is physical exercise relevant for people who are about pass away? Hanne Oest Jacobsen has no doubts. The answer is yes.

-You shouldn’t just sit there till you pass away. Every day must be lived. Each person aspires to have a meaningful and fulfilling life, she says.

The entire body is utilized

Some residents have led active lifestyles through sports, while others may have maintained a garden or cycled around the neighborhood. And now they are unable to be active due to a serious disease.

-But life is still here, and they need to move their body, says Hanne Oest Jacobsen and continues:

– We currently have a large number of younger patients. Some of them are used to partaking in sports and other forms of physical activity. But they simply cannot. In this category, the Combi Bike Plus has performed brilliantly. Furthermore, if one of your arms is paralyzed, you may wear our velcro glove while training to allow the arm to move, she says.

The versatility of the mobility exerciser, which allows for the use of both arms and legs, is absolutely critical to Hanne Oest Jacobsen.

– Physically, it benefits the body and keeps circulation going. The ability to use one’s body brings about relaxation, well-being, and satisfaction. Many cancer patients have persistent fatigue as a result of their disease and therapy. You can achieve a more natural degree of tiredness by utilizing Combi Bike Plus, she says.

Some exercise on their own

The mobility exerciser is frequently used. Both among patients who are young and old. Hanne Oest Jacobsen highlights the fact that using the Combi Bike Plus for exercise while seated in a wheelchair or an everyday chair is an option. And some people have it as a daily requirement that they workout with it. They use it solely on their own.

– Some users who use it daily merely record the amount of resistance, the distance traveled, and the duration of their rides. For some people, all it takes is five minutes of training without the need for measurement, she says.

Demanded by patients

The Deacon Foundation’s Hospice purchased a Combi Bike Plus at the patients’ request.

-The patients had inquired about a way to cycle. And patients can easily ride this Combi Bike Plus if they are unable to participate in sports in the same way they did in the past, says Hanne Oest Jacobsen.

She goes on to say that using a mobility exerciser is a low-impact kind of exercise, and that allowing the patient to be active and exercise is also considered palliation. 

– It is mild training for hospice patients. When you lose strength, Combi Bike Plus satisfies a need to exercise, says Hanne Oest Jacobsen.

The Combi Bike Plus in use at hospice

Physiotherapist Hanne Oest Jacobsen of the Deaconess Foundation’s hospice shows how to use a Velcro glove to move a damaged arm when exercising with Combi Bike Plus.

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